Blog Archive

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Salamander WIP update

Working in the flames, not sure what to do with the side doors and the assault cannon cover

Starting to add some other color after hours of debating hope it work out.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Friday, September 13, 2013

Salamander Redeemer WIP

My salamander LRR WIP still to be        named. Scales are just dots if green stuff. 

Saturday, July 20, 2013

When baby seals grow up!

You know, I thought the term baby seal was funny the first time I heard it in a gaming context. It had made me look around at some of our newer players at the time. All the energy and question they had, really brought it all back to me.

I looked deep in to big black mirrored round eyes, as I fish around for a suitable club. What I saw was myself! I was a baby seal once. I was taken back about 20 years ago, I was 14 and just started going down to a new game store in North Platte, my first table top game was Epic 40,000 I had bought the starter box, and had been played a few games, next was fantasy and 40k 2ed. only being a teen and no real job and minimal allowance, I was not able to field very good armies. I had a dwarf Which contain minimum troops and elites bare bone army, and same with my IG/squat army.

Most of the other player at the store were just out of college and had started careers so they were able to fund grand armies in comparison. armies they often chose we're "competitive" armies or as I like to call them DB armies. They were fast and brutally powerful, and they did not hold back. Out came the clubs. It was hard to play them, and In time I was turned away form table top gaming. I had not won a single game. The closes had come was ties or close losses when I played against certain armies. Every beating I took,  beat the fun right out of me for the longest time. As I slowed my games down the other games would play themselves and would often end I. Disagreements and vows never to play so and so again and slowly the table top games went dormant. Though I had never gotten rid of my stuff and had put gaming on the back burner and even stopped as I went to college 
And did the party thing and the getting a girl thing. It was baby seals that brought it back for me, now that I'm older and more mature, and able to afford better armies and can get all the help I ever wanted from such a great community on line has given me a second chance at a wonderful hobby. I am finding too that the old dogs are staring to play again and I have to smile when they are put in their place by grown seals. 

But I'll never forget how it was back in the day! So I invite anyone who wants to play a game to remember it suppose to be fun for both players, and if you have a competitive list then find someone who is willing to play it just don't go clubbing baby seals you might get clubbed back! 

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Gel Mediums - New Basing Ideas? Who would have thought!

Gel Mediums - Who would have thought! 

Gel Mediums by GOLDEN 

Well these Gel mediums opens up a whole new idea set for Models and basing your models. The range of consistency with different levels of transparency, the uses could be endless!  Some of the Gels contain textures which would make them idea for basing, textures include materials like pumice, glass, acrylic granules, to add a wide range of textures you maybe looking for.  

Pumice Gels - Used to create textured surfaces. Dries to a hard film. To increase its flexibility, mix in other GOLDEN Gels or mediums. Blends with GOLDEN Acrylic colors. 
Images left to right: Fine Pumice Gel, Coarse Pumice Gel, Extra Coarse Pumice Gel
Here is a Quick Video of the Golden's pumice gel 

Pumice Gel Video

Two more examples of Gel products for golden these would be perfect for water or Ice bases!

Glass Bead Gel - A coarse textured medium with a Heavy Body viscosity that holds peaks. Made with genuine glass beads, its unique visual effect – like that of condensation on cold glass – is best seen in thin films that allow the mono-layer of glass beads to be illuminated on a light colored ground. Glass Bead Gel can appear very similar to Coarse Pumice Gel or Clear Granular Gel when mixed with enough paint to hide the appearance of the glass beads.
Glass Bead Gel 
Glass Bead Gel

Clear Granular Gel - Used to create textured surfaces. Dries to a hard film. To increase its flexibility, mix in other GOLDEN Gels or mediums. Blends with GOLDEN Acrylic colors.

Clear Granular Gel

Gel Product Video from Golden

Sakura Pigma Micron Pen

Here is a quick and neat Idea from DakkaDakka using the Sakura Pigma micron pen for added detail to you models. 

Sakura Pigma Micron Pen for you mini's  Click here for DakkaDakka article

Sakura Pigma Micron Pen    Click here for link to Sakura 

Friday, June 28, 2013

Grey Knights WIP cont.

Got some more done in the GKs I'm really liking out their coming out although I've been having some motivation issues of late with the rumors of the SM codex on the horizon I'm trying to get these done before that drops, SM is my primary force and I'm looking forward to the new book! 

These are some more shot of my GK